Monday, April 28, 2008

a cruel rejection

The job hunt is unnatural. Apply, apply, apply. Rejection, rejection, rejection.

I have hunted for far too many jobs in my itty bitty 3 year career. The most hilarious, and pathetically sad moment in all of my monthes and monthes of job searching must have happened today when a principal accidently wrote me back instead of her colleague. She wrote, "We should write her back and say we aren't interested. What should we do if Carol says no? What about that girl I liked?" What a ridiculously painful and slightly hilarious way to be rejected... on accident through an email I wasn't supposed to see.

It's not natural to be put on the chopping block so many times in a row. People that are rejected when dating--stop dating, avoid the pain. When interviewing there is nothing you can do. Take a hit, bite the bullet, face possible and repeated rejection and then try your best to stand back up and do it all again.

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