Thursday, September 16, 2010

She Made a Good Connection

Some weeks are great for me. I have plans: lunch dates, walking buddies, unwinding with wine and friends, and a date planned with JR.  Other weeks, like this one, I have broken or very few plans, and a lot hours at home.  I start to realize that I only speak in daytime talk shows. "On Oprah/Ellen/The View today..."  I'm hungry and eager for companionship.  Currently, I am sitting in our glider/rocking chair in the living room, with Live with Regis and Kelly on silent, and attempting to put Heidi down for a nap by bouncing her in her bouncy chair.  This usually works, and it takes a lot less effort then walking around and doing squats for 10 minutes. This only works when I'm alone though, I can't take other people hearing her cry!

Every morning when JR leaves he jokingly says to Heidi, "Make good connections."  Well, today she made one! In the midst of having a not very exciting week and feeling rather lonely, Heidi did something to really perk me up---she ate! For a week we had been working on this eating thing, which consists of mixing dry, tiny, baby rice with formula and feeding it to her like a big girl.  The first several attempts were pretty unsuccessful. She'd sit there, smile, but once that food came close to her, she'd get her daddy's worried expression, and keep her lips pursed.  Today, however, she opened her mouth when the spoon came towards her, swallowed, and repeated.

(She's asleep now, but you better believe, I'm still bouncing with my feet!)

So, she made my day.  Although I will still need to figure out what to do today and keep myself busy, I feel more satisfied becacuse... my baby knows how to eat like a big girl goddamnit!

1 comment:

PastriesNotPasties said...

congrats! sorry I haven't been able to do our walking dates lately but I hope we can get one last one in before I leave at the end of the month! If not, I look forward to more of your blog posts :)