Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Day "Off"

So, once a week my mom takes Heidi for the afternoon so I can gain some sanity, independence, and get stuff done. In the beginning, I used this time to grab a nap, put the house back in order, and grocery shop.  For the past month or two months (time has become a bit fuzzy), she usually sleeps 12 hours (7pm-7am) and therefore I have been able to use my Wednesday afternoons to not only get some household stuff done, if needed, or run errands, but also to get back to my new hobby

After visiting JoAnn's twice already this week, I was finally able to really sit down and finish a projects I had already started. I "flouncy purse" and "yoga mat bag."  I have to say... I have impressed myself.  After three hours in the Rumpus Room and two projects totally completed, I packed up the sewing machine and all of my supplies because it'll be at least a week until I'm able to fully sew again.... 
but, I'm satisfied... 
for now!


kathryn said...

Feel free to make me a "flouncy purse" if you get bored. :)

Katie said...

It's not being bored, as much as, needing something to call my own right now. :)